There are places in Ibiza where one believes to know it all. One day you find a path and you think how do not I have seen this before? So, Cala Moltons, a corner in the port of Sant Miquel which can only be reached on foot, or by boat. A natural place where the sound of the waves echoes against the cliffs.
How to get to this Cove in Ibiza
Cala Moltons is located in the northern part of the island. Actually is one Cove within another even greater, the Cove of port de Sant Miquel. The first thing we must do is move up there. The road is quite good and perfectly visible from the town of Sant Miquel. A completely straight road which starts from the village will take us to the parking area. From here, should get out of the car or bus and approaching the left slope of Creek. Don’t forget nothing, as though the distance it is not much, you will not apetercer anything having to turn around.
When opposite the area reserved for the transit of jet skis and pedal boats, you will see on the left a small, rustic, sign with the name of Cala Moltons hand painted. Follow the path with caution to avoid a twist. After some meters of rise, the path turns to the left and started the descent, much more safe, to a cala of ones twenty meters.
I find in Cala Moltons
Tranquility. I have visited this Cove both in summer and in winter. Aside from some curious doing some hiking, I’ve seen people reach the cliffs, sit, close your eyes and sunbathe for hours. In summer there are some hammocks, and a small varadero among the pines. Because there are pine trees, and many. If our intention is it of bathing us will be aocnsejable take some shoes to enter to the shore. Here the force of the waves is almost zero, and large pebbles seem to result of the detachment of the walls of the Cove, in authentic places slopes. By closed form offering, sound also slipped much, and that the port Beach tends to be full of people. But if does not pass any boat motor, or you find out that there is civilization.
We the only drawback that I see in Cala Moltons find in the huge Cliff located just opposite, where the caves of Can Marçá, old nest of pirates and smugglers. In the part superior there is a viewpoint with a Spyglass to look all the port. And cala it also. From this end, Cala Moltons views are idyllic.