Villa Can Parrella is located in the area of Sant Carles de Peralta.
Information about Villa Can Parrella
Located in , ,
See on the map.
Common services at Villa Can Parrella
Food & drink
Swimming pool and wellness
Common areas
Offer of leisure and services for families
- Can Skye Love 634 meters.
- Can Miguel To about 1.26 km.
- Hotel & Spa Can Curreu To about 1.27 kilometres.
- Can Peri Mari To about 1.58 km.
- Holiday Villa in Ibiza To about 1.69 kilometers.
- Can Gat To about 1.86 km.
- Can Cosmi About 1.9 kilometers.
- Can Dalt Lloses To about 2.22 km.
- Can Skye To around 2.33 km.
- Five-Bedroom Villa in Santa Eulalia de el Río To approximately 2.39 kilometers.