Returning from Cala Xarraca in direction to Portinatx, or vice versa, we found a beach (Beach?) whose name always caught my attention, mostly because despite having done many times, I find it impossible to write its name well to the first. S’ S’illot des Renclí. How to pronounce it correctly already is pure utopia. They have told us that the Word may be a derivation of the term “restinga” coming to be a tip or language of stone under water and shallow. And this will be the bottom you find.
Like get to S’ S’illot des Renclí
Let us remember that the area to the North of the island, in the municipality of Sant Joan. If something has characteristic, they are its green mountains, steep curves, and a very rocky and rugged coastline. Except that arrive from Portinatx, you recommend taking the road that part towards the North from Sant Joan, passing by Cala Xarraca. Here leave the beach to the left, and advance by the road to find a small detour well indicated, to ones five hundred meters. There is a parking, not very large, but don’t worry, nor will you find many people.
I find on this island of Ibiza
You mentioned the size of the parking. In fact, in proportion to the stretch of beach, could be considered gigantic. They are about thirty meters from Beach being generous. Very generous. There is a ramp that leads to one of the edges. Neither is wrong. If you have mobility problems, it will be difficult you approaching the shore.
With a beach of dimensions so reduced, perhaps the more small of which have visited, the first intention is put to give birth to who you put the sign official of beach to this section coastal. But S’Illot d ‘ is Renclí save something more in its interior.
The ramp, as we go forward, is becoming a gateway forced into the rock, and at its end, between cliffs, find a few fishermen’s huts. So far everything normal. Against these fishermen’s huts, of a considerable dimension, perfect to relax, find a nearly islet with a door on the inside. It seems that they have wrought some kind of refuge, and we are left with the desire to see inside, but not needed.
From the door we beheld as a second Cove, much more Rocky, and Virgin, awaits us. Access is more complicated, but the peace of mind is worth. Finally, a third Creek, is already inaccessible by land, ends to shape an enviable natural spot. A place for lovers of diving and for vessels seeking refuge.
Three small coves of S’ S’illot des Renclí end up giving way to a wild coast. A real treasure.