New fire in Ibiza
Fire in Morna, Sant Carles Ibiza
After the bad, very bad experience of last year, this 2011 is leaving us the worst news we could expect. A new fire in Ibiza, a little further to the East of the former devastated area, carries calcined qiunientas thousand hectares in Morna, in the town of Sant Carles. Another inciendio in the municipality of Sant Joan de Llabritja forced to evict about eighty people and to stop and leave the public school of Sant Joan.
Again the aircraft and helicopters fly over the sky Ibiza to the hopes of control a fire that not has good PT. Already is accounted for three Canadairs more a quarter that will arrive in the coming hours. Four helicopters and airtractors are added to these.
By Earth cent fifty effective of the EMU (unit military of emergency) displaced is added to them efforts of them firefighters, police and local and, of course, them effective of protection civil. They support them the Ibanat, four auto-bombas and two vehicles suckler brigades.
The fire has been declared in yesterday morning and afternoon they arrested a presuntor author. The sources consulted indicate that the fire is started of way fortuitous after an accident with a smoker used to manipulate them hives of bees.
Another fire in Ibiza
Not is includes as, after have last almost a year of the fire of Benirras, not is have taken the measures necessary to avoid such catastrophe. From Soloibiza our support brigades involved in the fire. There will be time to clarify responsibilities.
Updated 20:09 26/05/2011
At this time it collects the device air. Probably with the first light of day again to fight a fire that is still active. The Minister of defence Carme Chacon has flown over the affected area promising new troops that will be tomorrow. Its presence is due to the Declaration of level 2 of the special plan of forest fires. Is estimated that the area affected reached already the 2000 hectares. The people evicted from their homes are already 230. The fire is approaching Portinatx where a hotel has also been evicted. The road of Portinatx and of Cala Sant Vicent have been cut to the traffic.
Since this afternoon could be contemplated the cloud of smoke from some high points in the city of Ibiza.