autobus ibiza2

Ibiza bus. Autoque where?

Autobuses Ibiza

If you plan to come to Ibiza and let yourself be carried comfortably by bus, carefree, calmly admiring the scenery and visiting the best coves of Ibiza, we inform you that your wishes will come true in a small part. In particular, the part corresponding to “calmly admiring the scenery”, that is what going to play while waiting indefinitely and sometimes useless one of the worst public services that have been run.

“Who you spit”

In my past winter break I took a morning for asking for information on the schedules and bus routes. I went prepared to visit to whomever that it ordered the control of urban transport. I began asking about the Island Council, to see if someone knew something and Yes. The Department in question was in the building. I rang rare so much success, as in Ibiza the effectiveness is a ticket of five hundred a day. I was the first at the entrance with the security guard.

-Hear that time close?
-Ask you in the tail of the Info window…
“-So take away you 10%…”

As well, found the place, I start to explain to them that I have a website that would like to put the bus lines, their schedules and their stops, but positioned by GPS to offer distance from accommodation to tourists. I said it as well… I swear…

Because fatal I would say. Dear official (if this they removed 15 percent is not to win it is) looked at me with a face “which you spit…”. But it contained and responded with a “No, here don’t have anything like that”. Because if “here” don’t have it, I have to ask the CESID, will not be confidential information…

Kindly gave me one of the thousands of leaflets that have spread over the island trying to explain how “do not work but look that I’ve been pretty”.

If he has been given one of these papelajos and deploys it you will see that there are a number of “regular” lines in the broadest sense of the word. We know that they follow a path, sometimes, time and interest. During the winter because makes cold and where are you going with the heat that makes in summer. In concrete which leads to the Hospital Can Misses me has arrived to take two hours (and I have gone walk). Also is spectacular the line that goes and comes to beach d ‘ in Bossa. At about eight in the evening they usually appear about three or four aborregados bus, with my deepest respect and admiration for users suffered, and already you can forget the rest of the day.

Then there are the irregular. Differ because their schedules to respond to the format: “in the summer months of July and August, Tuesday and Thursday morning and afternoon. Friday only afternoon. “Sundays and public holidays closed for rest of the personal.” We have no very clear if in fact is that your schedule or the blessed official yoga classes. Beware of the stress.

But without place to doubt, it best that can extract is of the pamphlet, is the name of the hotels “of my cousins”. Someone with a clear sense fair has been to establish stations not by the name of the street (who is would you happen such impudence?), but by the name of the hotel where “miraculously” has a stop the bus. And that is everyone’s money you are using at the end and at the end.

If you have enjoyed any decent city bus line, our public service (who lost the letter L long ago) will remind you with nostalgia those movies of Paco Martínez Soria when people went from the village. Here nothing has changed in 40 years.

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