hostal six bedroom holiday home in sant antoni de portmany san antonio with terrace reverva

Hostel Six-Bedroom Holiday Home in Sant Antoni de Portmany / San Antonio with Terrace in San Antonio (Ibiza), opinions and reservation

Six-Bedroom Holiday Home in Sant Antoni de Portmany / San Antonio with Terrace is situated in the urban area of San Antonio, a few 16.97 kilometres from Ibiza Airport. To go to your accommodation, we suggest hiring a car in Soloibiza.

Information of Six-Bedroom Holiday Home Hostel in Sant Antoni de Portmany / San Antonio with Terrace

Six-Bedroom Holiday Home in Sant Antoni de Portmany / San Antonio with Terrace

Input: 12:00

Output: 12:00

Located in Carrer Gregal 3, San Antonio, Balearic Islands Spain 7820

Find the best prices at Six-Bedroom Holiday Home in Sant Antoni de Portmany / San Antonio with Terrace

See on the map.

Hostal Six-Bedroom Holiday Home in Sant Antoni de Portmany / San Antonio with Terrace reverva

Hostal Six-Bedroom Holiday Home in Sant Antoni de Portmany / San Antonio with Terrace opiniones

Information and reservations

Video of Six-Bedroom Holiday Home Hostel in Sant Antoni de Portmany / San Antonio with Terrace

If you want to have the ability to view full screen the video of Six-Bedroom Holiday Home Hostel in Sant Antoni de Portmany / San Antonio with Terrace on Youtube.

As you scroll down from Ibiza Airport to Six-Bedroom Holiday Home Hostel in Sant Antoni de Portmany / San Antonio with Terrace with your rental car

You can print these directions to get to your accommodation in hostel Six-Bedroom Holiday Home in Sant Antoni de Portmany / San Antonio with Terrace if you still don’t have your own car we recommend renting one on page of car rental in Ibiza.

  1. Go to the Southeast
  2. Salt of the roundabout in CTRA Circunvalacion Ibiza
  3. Follow E-20
  4. Take the exit towards Centre ciutat/Ibiza/Sant Antoni/Puig Den
  5. Stay to the left to continue towards Carrer Sant Antoni de Portmany/C-731.
  6. At the roundabout, take the third exit towards Avinguda de Sant Antoni de Portmany/C-731
    Towards C-731
  7. At the roundabout, take the second exit and continue along C-731
  8. At the roundabout, take the second exit towards Monte Cristo Polígon Industrial/C-731
    Towards C-731
  9. At the roundabout, take the first exit and continue by C-731
  10. At the roundabout, take the second exit in the direction CTRA Ibiza-Sant Antoni/C-731
  11. At the roundabout, take the second exit and continue by CTRA Ibiza-Sant Antoni/C-731
  12. At the roundabout, take the second exit and continue by CTRA Ibiza-Sant Antoni/C-731
    Towards C-731
  13. At the roundabout, take the first exit direction Sa Vorera/PM-812
  14. At the roundabout, take the second exit and continue along Sa Vorera/PM-812
  15. At the roundabout, take the second exit towards Carrer Manuel Sorà/PM-812
    Continue towards PM-812
  16. At the roundabout, take the second exit towards Sta. Inés Carr/PM-812
  17. Turn left towards Camí Cala Salada
    The destination is on the right.

Hotels near Six-Bedroom Holiday Home in Sant Antoni de Portmany / San Antonio with Terrace

If not find availability in Six-Bedroom Holiday Home in Sant Antoni de Portmany / San Antonio with Terrace or prefer more options can locate other nearby establishments in the following list.

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