Holiday Home Santa Eulàlia I is located in the zone of Santa Euralia des Riu, a 17.21 km from Ibiza Airport. To scroll to Holiday Home Santa Eulàlia I we advise you to rent a car at Soloibiza.
Information Hostal Holiday Home Santa Eulàlia I
Input: 16:00
Output: 10:00
Located in , Santa Eularia des Riu, Illes Balears Spain 7840
Find the best prices in Holiday Home Santa Eulàlia I
Common services in hostel Holiday Home Santa Eulalia
Then, we present a list of services at Hostal Holiday Home Santa Eulàlia I listed by type. You can choose your accommodation to make your inquiry.
- It has parking
- Pets allowed
- With free parking
- Accommodation with parking
- It offers private parking
- Accommodation with Wi-Fi
- With Internet access
- Available WiFi service
- It has free Wi-Fi
- Rooms for non-smokers
- It has heating
- No one can smoke throughout the property
Available rooms at Holiday Home Santa Eulàlia I
Some of the rooms available in Holiday Home Santa Eulàlia I with a list of services here.
House or Villa 0 0. MAX 7 person (s)
- It has coffee maker
- Bathroom with shower
- Bathroom with bathtub
- Television available
- Climate control / air conditioning
- Equipped with a refrigerator
- Equipped with Dvd Player
- With toilet included
- Equipped with microwave
- Dishwasher available
- Washing machine available
- Enabled bathroom
- Equipped with heating
- Satellite channels are available
- Equipped with kitchen
- You have bathtub or shower
- Oven has
- Equipped with hotplates
If you want to book a rental villa do not forget that we have picked up a section for ti: luxury villas ibiza.
Video of Hostal Holiday Home Santa Eulàlia I
Now you can play fullscreen hostel Holiday Home Santa Eulalia video on Youtube.
How to get from Ibiza Airport to Hostal Holiday Home Santa Eulàlia I in your rental car
If you’ve hired vehicle removal in Ibiza Airport or in the vicinity, Hostal Holiday Home Santa Eulàlia I get will be very easy following these signals. To provide an economic car hire in Ibiza we recommend that you point to this page with the best in the market.
- Go to the Southeast
- Salt of the roundabout in CTRA Circunvalacion Ibiza
- Follow E-20
- Keep left to stay on E-20
- Continue on E-10
- Follows by PM-810
- Turn right
- Turn to the left.
The destination is on the right.
Hotels near Holiday Home Santa Eulàlia I
If you can’t find available rooms at Holiday Home Santa Eulàlia I or prefer more options going to locate accommodation in the surrounding area in the list below.
- Reservations in Holiday Home Santa Eulalia with Fireplace VIII 153 metres.
- Reservations in Finca Hotel Hill 416 metres.
- Bookings Can Torres 496 metres.
- Three-Bedroom Holiday home in Santa Eulalia de el Río with Pool III 643 metres.
- Villa in Santa Eulalia del Rio I Ibiza Approximately 1.25 kilometres.
- Apartments Pinosol in Ibiza Approximately 1.25 kilometres.
- User Can Rafal To about 1.39 km.
- Can Tito To about 1.65 kilometers.
- Sa Tanca in Ibiza To some 2.03 km.
- Can Basso Ibiza To about 2.09 kilometers.
- Bookings Can Pere country Hotel To about 2.23 km.
- Agroturismo Can dome At about 2.26 km.
- Can Villa In Rocallisa Ibiza At about 2.32 kilometers.
- Views Villa Can Furnet At about 2.36 km.
- Reservations in Villa Mercedes To about 2.41 kilometers.