High House is located in the area of Sant Llorenç de Balàfia, some 22.87 km of the terminal of the airport of the island. To get to your accommodation, we suggest hiring a car with only Ibiza.
Information Hostal Casa high
Located in , ,
See on the map.
Common services at Hostal Casa high
Swimming pool and wellness
- Bathroom with shower
- Television available
- Climate control / air conditioning
- Equipped with a refrigerator
- Equipped with Dvd Player
- Equipped with cd player
- With toilet included
- Dishwasher available
- Washing machine available
- It has patio
- Enabled bathroom
- Equipped with kitchen
- You have bathtub or shower
- Equipped with a fireplace
- Oven has
- It has BBQ
- Villa in Ibiza roses About 410 meters.
- Casa Naya Rural in Ibiza At about 1.41 kilometers.
- Reservations in pigeon House To some 1.92 km.
- The Pitiusa Ibiza To approximately 2.06 kilometers.
- Reviews Four-Bedroom Villa in Sant Joan de Labritja / San Juan At about 2.15 kilometers.
- Villa in Sant Joan De Labritja IV Ibiza To approximately 2.16 kilometres.
- Agroturismo Ca n’Escandell To about 2.17 km.
- Racó de Sa Vinyeta Some 2.2 kilometers.
- SA Vinyeta in Ibiza To around 2.33 km.
- Villa San Lorenzo Ibiza To about 2.38 kilometers.
Available rooms at Casa Alta
0. Maximum 6 person (s)
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