It can Lolitza is located in the Talamancaarea, some 10.16 km from Ibiza Airport terminal. To move up to Lolitza Can we advise you to rent your car in Ibiza with single Ibiza Airport.
Hostel information Can Lolitza
Input: 15:00
Output: 11:00
Located in Carrer de la Mola N 15, Talamanca, 07800 Spain Balearic Islands
Find the best prices on Can Lolitza
Common services at Hostal Can Lolitza
For your information you include some of the common services at Hostal Can Lolitza sorted by type. You can select your stay by making your inquiry.
- It has parking
- With free parking
- Accommodation with parking
- It offers private parking
- Accommodation with Wi-Fi
- With Internet access
- Available WiFi service
- It has free Wi-Fi
Food & drink
- Shopping home delivery service
- It has heating
- It has air conditioning
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Hostal Can video Lolitza
If you want you can enjoy the hostel Can Lolitza video on Youtube.
As move you from Ibiza Airport to Hostal Can Lolitza in your car rental
If you have pick up rental car Ibiza Airport or in the vicinity, scroll down to hostel Can Lolitza will be very comfortable following these instructions. For rental cars cheap Ibiza Airport we suggest that you go through our section with the best in the market.
- Go to the Southeast
- Salt of the roundabout in CTRA Circunvalacion Ibiza
- Follow E-20
- Take the exit toward Industrial Zone
- Follow Carrer of Calcalde Bartomeu Rosselló room
- At the roundabout, take the second exit
- At the roundabout, take the fourth exit towards Av. 8 d’Agost
- At the roundabout, take the second exit towards Carrer d’Alhaueth
- Turn right towards Carrer de s’Illa Plana
- Turn left onto Carrer de Barbaria
- Turn right onto Carrer de la Mola
The target is on the left.
Hotels near Can Lolitza
If you don’t find availability Can Lolitza or prefer more options going to reference hotels in the surroundings in the following list.
- Can Holly About 45 meters.
- Reservations in two rocks About 117 meters.
- TALAMANCA Ibiza VILLA 206 meters.
- Hotel Argos Ibiza 231 metres.
- Hotel Rocamar in Ibiza 255 metres.
- Views Ibiza Corso Hotel & Spa 278 meters.
- Hostal Talamanca 328 metres.
- OD Ocean Drive in Ibiza 345 metres.
- Anchorage Ibiza 483 metres.
- Views apartment Botafoch II About 530 meters.
- Apartment Talamanca 638 metres.
- Apartment Botafoch Ibiza III 692 metres.
- Apartment Botafoch 732 metres.
- Apartment Miramar 986 metres.
- Reservations in Alexmar 989 metres.