Fire in Cala Llonga 2011

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Fire in Cala Llonga 2011. Photos of Monica Mari

Yesterday there was a new fire in Cala Llonga. It is the third fire of importance that plagues the island in 2011. At this time the fire has been declared as “stabilized”, and hope to be controlled between this evening and tomorrow. This time have been hundred fifteen hectares of our small and already burned land. This time the troops were prepared and, despite the gusts of wind of up to 70 kilometres per hour that occurred during the day yesterday, today have referred and with the virulence of the flames. The time the fire occurred the evening, did not viable the use of aerial equipment until first thing in the morning. Has been then when it has been able to control the fire. A fire that has caused a column of smoke visible from the city, and a certain smell to burned that has arrived to beach d ‘ in Bossa. Nine ships specialized in fire forest have been flying over the island continuously.

Incendio en roca llisa

A thousand evacuees in the fire in Cala Llonga

Overnight evacuations have been one after another until you reach the thousand people. Most of the houses threatened during the fire were intended as a second home for summer visitors. Is expected that this afternoon can start the return to their homes after the evaluation of the fire although already is knows that some houses are have seen affected. We have news of a house completely burned.

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Located the focus of the fire in Cala Llonga

On the possible focus of the fire, it’s located next to the golf course Roca Llisa, within walking distance of the beach of Cala Llonga. The causes of the fire by now are unknown, although it is not difficult to include the hand of the man among the more likely assumptions. A field of golf always is involved in controversial and in Ibiza not going to be less.

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On our tab, you can see where the fire area is located in Cala Llonga

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