fiestas tierra 2011

Festivals in Earth 2011 Ibiza


This year we have a new edition of the Festival of the Earth. To situate us, parties of the Earth is an event that shakes the City of Ibiza during the first days of the month of August and that combines various festivities that typically end on August 8 with the festivity of San Ciriaco.

Novelty is already presented in the poster catalog where it shows the change of Government. Not is that is better or worse, is that comes in Castilian and catalan, and that itself is new.

The opening of the festivities is will produce the day 31 of July. From 18:00 to 23:00 hours in Vara de rey will count on the VII meeting of trades and crafts-Ibiza, where the cultural association “Is Retorn” will delight us with a demonstration.

To the 19:00 hours the dance popular of the Pou of Sa Punta of Dalt, a dance traditional where demonstrated their skills the Association Cultural Colla of Vila.

Half hour more evening will begin the also traditional parade of carts Ibiza.

The Park Queen Sofia hosts a demonstration of Ball Pagés at 20.30 with the presence of the Colla de Sa Winery.

At 21.30 the proclamation of celebrations at the park with singer/songwriter Marga Bufi as protagonist.

After the usual speech of the Mayor, Ressonadors will act to the 22.00 and them benefits of the party will be to stop to the Association Apneef.

Festivals in Earth 2011 from 1 to 3 August

Children’s activities will make an appearance from 19.00 to 22.00 hours with various workshops of crafts and games for the whole family. The Association time free S’Espurna is responsible of providing us good times.

Music land 2011 parties

Thursday day 4 will be able to visit the exhibition of Vicent Ferrer Guasch which reproduce hundred twenty images of Ibiza from the 1950s until the 1970s. In the evening, at 22.00 hours in the exhibition will act for the first time in Ibiza Maldita Nerea. This time the entry will not be free unless you have friends in high places. For the rest of them deadly, twelve euros per head.

The five day occurs the first great parties of the 2011 earth day. The feast of Santa Maria begins with the typical wreath at 7 p.m. in the Cathedral. The Bishop of Ibiza and the Cor Ciutat d’Eivissa will find themselves in the Act.

At 20.30 will be the Gold Medal of the city of Eivissa, although we don’t yet know who.

At 23.00 hours expected much female influx in the Park Reina Sofia with Sergio Dalma in concert.

The Saturday day 6 the band Symphony Ciutat D’Eivissa returns to the Park Queen Sofia with performance of dancers included. The selection of the works music runs to charge of the study of dance Capricorn and Marga Bufi. Have that recognize that not know to this singer/songwriter and that only have found a video clip his in Youtube, but seems that will have enough influence in the new team of Government.

For the 7th the Ciutat d’Eivissa choir concert. At 20.30 in the cloister of the Council and under the direction of Miguel San Miguel Fuster Act singer-songwriter Pedro Planas and his musicians Fernando Zaplana and Juan Planas on guitar and John Ferragut flat on bass as guest artists. Here we have found videos of the family flat except dedicated to skateboarding.

The choirs of opera and zarzuela run to charge of them students of the Escola of the Patronat of music of Ibiza with Lina Cardona as soloist.

The night of music of the terra in the Park Queen Sofia begins with 4 de Copes to them 21:30. An hour later Quin Delibat. And another hour after Manel.

The day 8 of August is the festivity of San Ciriaco. The great night of the parties of the Earth 2011. In the plaza of the Cathedral is will offer a concert to cargo of the band of music of the Ciutat d ‘ Eivissa. The 11 new mass. A great dream of drums, flutes and castanets will precede it. After a procession civica-religiosa (unknown meaning given the booklet to this union of words) with prayers and songs reach the tribute Guillen in Montgri, conqueror of Ibiza and Formentera.

In the plaza de Espanya (it puts the brochure) band and tribute floral of the President of the Consell d ‘ Eivissa. In the cloister of the Town Hall performances folk, speech and performance of the choir of the Conservatory.

After this entertaining morning we went to the popular snack. At seven in the afternoon parade from Vara de Rey to Puig des Molins. To the eight snack with paella free in Puig des Molins. Ball Pagés and music will adorn the Act.

At ten o’clock the evening music with Als Castells in the Baluard de Sant Pere in Exchange for ten euros.

To the twelve, the event more expected, the castle of fires artificial from the dam of is Botafoc and that is visible from all the port put almost the point end to them parties of the Earth 2011.

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