descubre altea calpe y lalfas de

Discover Altea, Calpe and l’ Alfàs del Pi Alicante with your rental car

There is a stretch along the coast of Alicante which brings many of the features that makes a single province Alicante. We talk about the extension consisting of Altea, Calpe and l’ Alfàs del Pi. For the tour you’ll need to have a car or rent a car in Alicante.

Video discovering Altea, Calpe and l’ Alfàs del Pi with your car hire in Alicante

In this video we will enjoy a technique called timelapse which consists in reducing a long scene to little more than a few seconds. We also have scenes recorded from a Drone of some sites of Altea, Calpe and L’ Alfàs del Pi. Especially striking are the images of the clouds over the mountains or the sunsets.

To enjoy your car rental in Alicante, our recommendation is that you go through our website to see in Alicante with rental car where you will find extensive information on the various points of Alicante you can enjoy.


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