Close clubs Ibiza 2011
We are entering the last and final week. Comes the Close Party 2011 at the discotheques of Ibiza. We just finished a year of sensations that puts the point and end to the clubs season. It has been a year full of great successes and of course large and pleasant surprises, but it has mostly been the year of F * me I’m Famous and David Guetta.
Close Party dates
But even us is the last and more anticipated event of the season. A week of madness that will begin on Friday September 30th. The last year Supermartxé will make a spectacular snap the end of Privilege 2011. If still not have visited an of the parties more colorful and daring of the panorama Ibiza, not can lose you this last opportunity.
A day after our Disco more singular, the best sound of Europe, will close its doors a year more. He Amnesia Closing Party 2011 proposes hours of rhythm frantic so passes around a winter and probably all a life Recalling your name.
The human body has limits, but that Word loses its meaning when we get closer to Space. The two October 2011 Sunday he will not let you indifferent. Mark your calendars as a finale that always dreamed. And recalls leave site for when the next summer, these three great monsters of the music and the panorama international return to open their doors. We’ll be counting the days.
For most latecomers
A final handshake to those who can afford it. He day three of October put point and end to the season two clubs that begin to shine with light itself. The first, a newly released Ushuaia, will miss the curtain after a really spectacular year both in audience as quality in their shows. The second takes years, but increasingly takes more strength in the hard music Ibiza summer market. DC-10 has chosen to close its doors the same day 3, taking a well deserved break until the coming year.
Remember that you can get your tickets on our website of clubs in Ibiza. Don’t miss the last chance of the season.