Car rental in Ibiza for under 25 years

Alquiler de coches en Ibiza menores 25 años

Rental of cars in Ibiza for minors of 25 years

You are looking for a rental car in Ibiza but you have not yet delivered 25? Well don’t worry we’re going to give a choice so you can enjoy your vehicle this summer. In SoloIbiza have found a supplier of vehicles that you going to facilitate the task. Just enter our cars in Ibiza Airport Finder and choose your dates of arrival and departure. Try to choose well the schedule on which you plan to leave and pick up your vehicle. Especially the first one, because according to the time of collection, if windfall is outside the office hours, collection can lead supplement. Do you have it?

Looking for a car of rent in Ibiza for minors of 25 years

Then you must now look for vehicles which are offered for paying without card and whose whole is managed in destination. They are easy to recognize because we have placed the marker ‘more info’ to green. From here you can access to a new window where you will find the list full of vehicles besides a series of options. If is your case, select the accessories required if travel with small. The option that in any case you should forget about mark is that will allow you to. As you’ll see, carries a cost extra. It is the cost required by the insurance for this type of rental companies. The price? Because depends on. You can count that varies between the 24 and the 36 euros of half. But attentive, this overrun little has that see with the season but with the openings and closures of the clubs.

Rent in Ibiza for under 25 years of age with all-risk insurance

It can also be a good time to choose an option of all-risks insurance. Security and peace of mind going to offer more than compensates small disbursement to perform.

Which are the conditions of rent

In principle, you will need your name, telephone, email and number of flight. If still not it have not you worry, write “pending” and reminds confirm it before your arrival. To collect your car only, you will have to go to the Meeting Point, or the airport meeting point. It is located in the parking in the plaza de parking G32. They will go there to pick you up but if you hurry car rental is located at the entrance of the airport. You can move you up to there if take hurry.

If already it have clear, can be a good time to pass you by our page of rental of cars in Ibiza Airport and search your vehicles for minor’s 25 years.

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