If you regular follower of this blog, you will have noted as the Wednesday we missed our appointment. The reason is none other than the visit to the northern area of Sant Joan in search of photographs and information about the beaches of this beautiful area. However, after visiting Cala Xarraca, we mess up our way. Take the road that part from the same Cala Xarraca in direction to Calo of s’Illa. A place indicated for the lovers of the trekking and the cycling. Or that was in its day. Because now, it is an impractical place, where advance with the car it is a job for expert drivers and off-road vehicles. A real disaster that the fire has become in ruin. Even on foot, ashes and the remains of the fire that began in Cala Benirras and whipped these hills, have become the way a slippery pedregal where you can only see destruction. A place where for the first time we have had to turn, exhausted and sweaty. And almost without lowering ourselves from the car.
From Cala Xarraca, in the direction of Caló de S’Illa
Nothing more out of access to Cala Xarraca, we found a dirt road indicating Caló de S’Illa. Whenever we discover a new point on the map, we have to visit it. And this, to the find is in the zone north, steep and spectacular, could be interesting. And go if it was.
A short distance from the entrance, the mountains began to take a brownish color. In the greater of the pitiusas (island of pines), this color only can indicate two thing. Or pine trees are dying, or there has been a fire. It took not much to check it. To the beginning of the road found them first cliffs that us allow take some panoramic incredible of the coast. And the first destroyed trees.
But as we move forward, the despair is greater. The mountains appear burned, and ash covers the floor. Or almost all. Have last two months and the nature is open road. First grasses are arising where she is some of land. Sant Joan is very wet, and this will lead to retrieve soon the vegetation more low.
Continuing the route, we see something we didn’t expect. At the foot of a hill stands a green section. We thought that was impossible, but to the approach we discover the reason. A House, of walls white, seems to be the responsible. Them moments that had pass both them tenants, as them teams of rescue for the fire not the reduced to rubble should be incredible.
A devastated mountain road
We continue our journey by earrings, until the land began to become impracticable. The ash has also is owner of the road, and without weeds on the slopes, small stones have invaded the road. The car slips and begins to smell to burned. A last attempt by forward us returns to her reality. The road is has broken by water, probably the launched from airplanes, since it has not rained much in this area. Grooves and more grooves that do not allow us to continue by car. Still are kilometers to get to the tip of Calo of S’Illa, but costs keep the balance in the first costs.
We go back on our brands on the road with more effort, now it is uphill. Out of the Gorge in which we are, breathe a little better, but everything still smelling of burning. Up to the car.
On the way back, we throw away more photos, although truth, seen the picture, not too fancy. We have come back to the diversion of Cala Xarraca. We know that Caló de S’Illa is not an especially tourist spot, so it will take much more to be pampered by the administrations. Hope that this corner do not fall in the oblivion.
More information about Cala Xarraca