It’s been two months since the fire ravaged Cala Benirrás. Although it has not rained much, Ibiza cold runs us back whenever we see a helicopter flying over the sky heading north. So, with the heart a little cramped, have returned to visit Cala Benirrás after the fire. And this, is what we have found.
Arriving at Cala Benirras.
Are the four of the evening, and leave the fair of them Hesler of Santa Gertrudis with the stomach full. As the afternoon still goes a long way, we take the road to Sant Miquel (Sant Miquel) until you find a detour to San Lorenzo (Sant Llorenç). Arriving at the indication of the Pou d’Aubarqueta, we turn towards Cala Benirras. There is no more-rural scenery, in the North of Ibiza. A massive Valley surrounded of hills. Towards the this, the first frames dark on the forest us give indication of the magnitude of the fire. Over the hills landscape resembles an autumn in Eastern Europe. But this is Ibiza, and the Green predominates over the mountains twelve months a year.
Our road not has loss, and to the entry of the cala, when them curves is again intense, a smell to burned is strained by them vents of the car. We have come to the origin of the fire zone, and the landscape is bleak. The tasks of cleaning, which continue despite being Sunday, have cleared the brush and cut many trunks. Those found to the edges of the road. The mount looks like a burnt match. You can see as the flames climbed to the top of the mountain, by burning the trees at the top. Some pine trees, away from the main focus and resting on the slope, have escaped.
The view of the fire from Cala Benirràs.
To reach the beach and leave the car, away from the pine trees just in case, we went down to one of the bars for a coffee. They are five and heard a couple of drums, weak, that Yes. People stuck in the water. We are in October. The beach not has lost an apex of its splendor, although overwhelms think in it people that had that flee sea in, escaping from the smoke. To explore the beach and look back, we try to understand the anguish of seeing fire on the right Hill. The remains can be seen after the fire.
Last a while, forget the mount and look at a moment the sea. Rocky ledge which emerges is not known how many meters does not go unnoticed to anyone. The terrazita of wood, without known owner, is used by people to sit and rest a little, with the eye on the torre des Molar. Some day I will play visit it, but seeing the cliff on which looms, the truth, is you removed to one them desire.
It’s been a few hours since we arrived in Cala Benirrásand drums have been increasing the volume. It is time to go home, for some. Others begin to arrive, with more perfectly clad drums. Perhaps is the hour of sing them songs to any goddess Phoenician and ask you that recover soon its mountain, and all which burned after the fire.
More information and photographs on the tab of Cala Benirrás