cambiar localidad mallorca

As rent a car Majorca

Como alquilar un coche en Mallorca

As rent a car Majorca

If you are going to travel to Mallorca we recommend that you rent a vehicle to transport you around the island. You have much to do in too little time, so a rental car will be the best choice to visit the island. To achieve an economic car, we recommend that you visit our website and you find a car according to your needs and your pocket.

Use the form as rent a car Majorca

If you enter in our website for car rental in Mallorca, you will find a form where you can select dates of collection and delivery of the car. Remember that schedules can add one day to your reservation so if you can, choose a time less than or equal to the collection. Select search and you will go to a first list of cars to choose from.

Cambiar localidad de alquiler en MallorcaOnce you find yourself in the search box, you’ll see that you have chosen default Mallorca airport. Perhaps your arrival is by port or can you even want to rent your vehicle near your accommodation. You don’t have to worry. Removes the text “Airport of Majorca” and enter your destination. If you do not see any results can that the name does not match ours. We are going to write “Mallorca” and a list with all the Mallorcan destinations where you can rent a car with us will appear. At the bottom of this listing, you’ll see that there may be more pages with other results.

An important tip. If you are planning your trip and you see a cheap night flight to the island Please note that:

  • Not you enter the hotel until 12 o’clock (normally) unless you pay extra a night.
  • The collection of a car at night may have an additional cost.

Make your calculations taking into account these factors.

Choose well your rental car

Only Ibiza, we are going to provide a good list of vehicles for rent. Our agencies establish their conditions and us prices. We cannot change these conditions so it is important that you review them carefully.

Pay special attention to:

  • The price of the franchise
  • The fuel tank
  • Insurance

When you rent a vehicle is usually retained a franchise. In case of loss or damage, if we don’t have additional insurance, will we be deducted from our franchise the amount of the expenses up to a maximum of the total retained. In the case of vehicles with zero franchise, companies Rent a car tend to withhold an amount from the credit card.

The fuel tank is one of the main complaints of the consumers. More economical vehicles often bring a policy of fuel that full tank is delivered and returned empty. That will force us to pay the estimated amount of a full tank. If you are thinking to explore the island, you’ll spend it. If you are going to make short journeys and see impossible to spend all gasoline, like leaves you more profitable full collection vehicle and delivers full. You will have to fill you tank before delivering the vehicle but don’t pay the full deposit.

All vehicles are insured by law. Many companies will offer you additional insurance “all-risk”. In reality this insurance has less than an all-risk coverage but it tends to remove the the deposit. On our website you’ll find insurance offered by Allianz which will protect your deposit and will offer you a much wider coverage, including for example the wheels and windows.

Some extras that you must not forget

Mallorca is an island with heavy daily traffic of passengers and drivers. If you need special equipment, this is the best time to book. Note availability arriving at the airport will not be secured.

The last process of the reservation is payment. In very economic rents are usually charged the total amount of the reservation. Just a signal in the majority of cases will be charged at higher rents. Anyway, on the payment page you specified expenditure that you are going to perform.

And now that you know how rent a car in Mallorca we recommend visiting our website for car hire in Mallorca.

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