apartamentos formentera 1 reverva

Apartments Formentera 1 in San Antonio (Ibiza), user reviews and booking

Apartments Formentera 1 lies in the zone of San Antonio, a few 14.99 km of the terminal of the airport of the island. To reach accommodation, we suggest you rent a car in Ibiza with Soloibiza.com.

Information of apartments Formentera 1

Apartments Formentera 1

Input: 14:00

Output: 11:00

Located in Calle Santa Rosalia, 33, San Antonio, Balearic Islands Spain 07820

Find the best prices in apartments Formentera 1

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Apartamentos Formentera 1 reverva

Common services in apartments Formentera 1

Below we show you a list of common services in apartments Formentera 1 listings by category. Your stay, you can choose to perform your search.


  • It has billiards


  • With Internet access
  • Available WiFi service
  • It has free Wi-Fi

Food & drink

  • Snack-bar

Swimming pool and wellness

  • It has outdoor swimming pool
  • There is swimming pool


  • Availability of rental bicycles upon payment

Front desk services

  • Reception service 24 hours
  • Point of information for tourism
  • Available tickets
  • Luggage storage available

Common areas

  • Available terrace or solarium on-site


  • Elevator
  • It has air conditioning

Apartamentos Formentera 1 opiniones

Available rooms at Apartamentos Formentera 1

Enjoy some of the suites Apartamentos Formentera 1 with an enumeration of specific services.

Study 2 single bed (s). Maximum 2 person (s)

  • Bathroom with shower
  • Bathroom with bathtub
  • Television available
  • Climate control / air conditioning
  • Equipped with a refrigerator
  • Enabled bathroom
  • Satellite channels are available
  • Equipped with kitchen
  • It has kitchen accessories

Apartamentos Formentera 1 booking

Study 2 single bed (s). Maximum of 3 person (s)

  • Bathroom with shower
  • Bathroom with bathtub
  • Television available
  • Climate control / air conditioning
  • Equipped with a refrigerator
  • Enabled bathroom
  • Satellite channels are available
  • Equipped with kitchen
  • It has kitchen accessories

Apartamentos Formentera 1 reservas

Information and reservations

Apartamentos Formentera video 1

If you want to enjoy full-screen the apartments Formentera video 1 on Youtube.

How to go from Ibiza Airport to apartments Formentera 1 in your rental car

If you’ve booked rental car pick up at the airport of Ibiza or in the vicinity, reach apartments Formentera 1 is going to be very easy to following our instructions. If you don’t have your car, we invite you to book one on page of economic in Ibiza car rental.

  1. Go to the Southeast
  2. Salt of the roundabout in CTRA Circunvalacion Ibiza
  3. Follow E-20
  4. Take the exit towards Centre ciutat/Ibiza/Sant Antoni/Puig Den
  5. Stay to the left to continue towards Carrer Sant Antoni de Portmany/C-731.
  6. At the roundabout, take the third exit towards Avinguda de Sant Antoni de Portmany/C-731
    Towards C-731
  7. At the roundabout, take the second exit and continue along C-731
  8. At the roundabout, take the second exit towards Monte Cristo Polígon Industrial/C-731
    Towards C-731
  9. At the roundabout, take the first exit and continue by C-731
  10. At the roundabout, take the second exit in the direction CTRA Ibiza-Sant Antoni/C-731
  11. At the roundabout, take the second exit and continue by CTRA Ibiza-Sant Antoni/C-731
  12. At the roundabout, take the second exit and continue by CTRA Ibiza-Sant Antoni/C-731
    Towards C-731
  13. At the roundabout, take the first exit direction Sa Vorera/PM-812
  14. At the roundabout, take the second exit and continue along Sa Vorera/PM-812
  15. At the roundabout, take the third exit towards Carrer Manuel Sorà
  16. At the roundabout, take the first exit towards Carrer Johann Sebastian Bach
  17. At the roundabout, take the third exit towards Carrer Lope de Vega
  18. Turn left onto Carrer Velázquez
  19. Turn to the left at 1st Street towards Carrer de Santa Rosalia
    The destination is on the right.

Hotels near apartments Formentera 1

If there are no available rooms at Apartamentos Formentera 1 or prefer more options you can check other establishments in the vicinity in the following list.

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