apartamentos five bedroom holiday home in sant joan de labritja san juan reverva

Apartments Five-Bedroom Holiday home in Sant Joan de Labritja / San Juan, Puerto de San Miguel (Ibiza), opinions and reservation

Five-Bedroom Holiday home in Sant Joan de Labritja / San Juan is located in the area of San Miguel de Balansat, about 20.59 km of the airport of the island. To move you to your accommodation, we suggest hiring a car in Soloibiza.

Information of apartments Five-Bedroom Holiday home in Sant Joan de Labritja / San Juan

Five-Bedroom Holiday home in Sant Joan de Labritja / San Juan

Input: 12:00

Output: 12:00

Located in Carrer de Rubio 112, Puerto de San Miguel, 7815 Spain Balearic Islands

Find the best prices on Five-Bedroom Holiday home in Sant Joan de Labritja / San Juan

See on the map.

Apartamentos Five-Bedroom Holiday home in Sant Joan de Labritja / San Juan reverva

Apartamentos Five-Bedroom Holiday home in Sant Joan de Labritja / San Juan opiniones

Information and reservations

Video of apartments Five-Bedroom Holiday home in Sant Joan de Labritja / San Juan

If you prefer you can see the video of apartments Five-Bedroom Holiday home in Sant Joan de Labritja / San Juan on Youtube.

How to get from Ibiza Airport to apartments Five-Bedroom Holiday home in Sant Joan de Labritja / San Juan in your rental car

If you’ve booked rental car of withdrawal at Ibiza Airport or in the vicinity, come to apartments Five-Bedroom Holiday home in Sant Joan de Labritja / San Juan is going to seem very comfortable following these instructions. To book a car rental in Ibiza we recommend that you run this site with the best deals from the market.

  1. Go to the Southeast
  2. Salt of the roundabout in CTRA Circunvalacion Ibiza
  3. Follow E-20
  4. Keep left to stay on E-20
  5. Continue on E-10
  6. Turn left onto PM-804
  7. At the roundabout, take the first exit and continue by PM-804
  8. Turn to the left.
  9. Turn right
  10. Turn left into SN-2
  11. Turn slightly to the right
  12. Turn to the left.
    The destination is on the right.

Hotels near Five-Bedroom Holiday home in Sant Joan de Labritja / San Juan

If there is no availability in Five-Bedroom Holiday home in Sant Joan de Labritja / San Juan or prefer more options will be available next establishments in the list below.

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