Broll de Buscastell Ibiza

Es Broll de Buscastell

One of the most unique of Ibiza is the Broll de Buscastell. Not is a place very known to level tourist. In fact, when you find a guide in your name, you don’t know exactly you’re going to find until you reach the place. And without a doubt, the most difficult, is.

Coming to Buscastell with the GPS

Because this is one of those cases in which you fancy take to the inventor of such gadget, put it in the car, and tell him: “now drive you”. Guided by the gadget of marras, take the road that connects Sant Rafael with Sant Mateu. A small deviation to the left, two paths of goats, and the Broll de Buscastell three hundred meters. So just go through a particular property and violating laws that, surely not know. Reverse gear by goats and to be followed by the mountain road.
In short, nothing better than a good map. We can reach the Broll de Buscastell from Rafael Santa, leaving in the direction of Santa Agnès. Or by taking the road linking Sant Mateu Santa Agnés. In this case, we will have to turn towards the South in the indication of the Broll. It is not difficult to recognize by the Plains that surround the road.

A garden in the Centre of Ibiza.

When the road starts to become a bit winding and narrow, is the signal that has reached the Broll de Buscastell. But what about here exactly?. A spring. Or several. Or maybe hundreds. We parked the car right where it indicates the gps. If it does, it is easy. The only place to the right of the road where you can park if it falls from Santa Agnés.

Next to the stop of the way, shabby stairs down to a kind of well, visible from the road. This seems to the origin of the spring, although the water outlet can be found after some Brambles. The alleged well seems to make as a cistern, and kicks off a pipe of unknown origin, which moves water through the Valley.

The view is spectacular. Some fields are sown. Others simply grows the grass and the grooves of the animals in the area are appreciated. We follow the course of the spring in the direction Sant Rafael. Left and right are small waterfalls, sometimes caused by the pipeline. Other times, the water creates a new course on which are born very fertile land.

A little further on, we find a curious bridge. Not have found information about it, but gives an aspect more singular to the landscape. About a new rumor of water, an almost hidden mill in a small construction similar to a farmhouse. Here the houses do not have that typical white appearance. Are replaced by walls of stone that are adapted to those channels.

The end of the road is diverts of the Broll of Buscastell, that between furrows and cane is away. Perhaps another day back with a pair of sandwiches, because this place not have waste.

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